TimeForge Knowledge Base

View job positions

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TimeForge positions are similar to job descriptions, position codes, or job codes that are available with many Point of Sale systems. In TimeForge, employees can work as many positions as necessary.

Each position can have its own name and description, pay rate (and pay scale), color (for drawing on graphs), and overtime calculation. In addition, positions can have payroll identifiers (for use in some payroll programs), stations or sections (useful when assigning shifts to employees), and multi-level pay rates.

When used at the Corporate level within TimeForge, positions are available at every location. However, each location can have individual base pay rates, multi-level pay rates, sections/stations, overtime calculations, and colors. This functionality enables businesses with multiple locations to easily perform labor management with a single, simple tool -- TimeForge!

This article will teach you how to view and make adjustments to your job positions within TimeForge. We also have a full guide to adding, editing, and deleting positions.

What are stations or sections in TimeForge?

Stations/sections are used to identify areas of work for a specific position or job code. For example, a "Waiter" or "Server" position might have several sections that correspond to tables at a restaurant, such as "Section 1", "Section 2," etc.

What are multi-level pay rates, and what are they used for?

Multi-level Pay Rates can be used to pay staff members at varied rates throughout the work day. For example, a "Waiter" or "Server" position might receive a normal hourly rate of $2.13 from the hours of 10am and 11pm.  However, prior to 10am, employees working as a Server may receive $7.35.

Open the Employees tab, then select Positions from the sub-menu.

View the list of existing positions

By default, you'll see information about the name of the position, the pay rate and pay scale, overtime calculations (if any), and the color used in charts (if any). Not finding the info you need? Try these steps:

  1. Click the List view button to view your positions in a column/table format, as shown here.
  2. Click the Fields button to customize which columns are shown.

Review and edit the details for a specific position

Simply click the Edit link to review the details for a specific position. You'll find information under several tabs, including associated Departments, Station/Section information, Multi-Level Pay Rates, and Sales Thresholds.

If you make any changes to the information in these tabs, don't forget to click the Save button!

If you have multiple locations inside TimeForge and some of your positions were created at the Corporate level, you may be asked to go to the Corporate level to make any changes.

Overtime calculations can be based on time and a half (1.5x), double time (2.0x), California Overtime (a combination of 1.5x and 2.0x overtime), or other state-specific formulas.

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