Accurate and correct employee scheduling is a powerful labor cost control measure. With TimeForge, supervisors and managers can quickly and accurately create employee schedules while considering the needs of their business, as well as the desires of other staff members.
Each TimeForge employee schedule is a collection of many shifts, and each shift is assigned a corresponding start and end time, as well as position (or job), and employee. Other information can be included with each shift, including whether the shift is for an "extra" staff member, the section or station being worked, and other pertinent information.
TimeForge employee schedules can be of any usable business length - some businesses prefer one-week, two-week, or one-month schedules. Other businesses prefer a mix of schedules, and may have differing schedules based on departments or store requirements.
In the event of a scheduling conflict, TimeForge automatically notifies managers and supervisors responsible for creating schedules.
Navigate to the Schedules page
From the Location level, open the Schedules tab and select Schedules from the sub-menu.

Browse upcoming employee schedules
The Schedules page shows upcoming and past schedules, which can be filtered by department and sorted. Each schedule can be copied, modified, deleted, analyzed, printed, or used to create a template.
Simply click the Edit button to review the schedule's details. In the upper right corner, you can swap from Monthly, Weekly, or Daily View.
Clicking on the name of the schedule, e.g. "Customer Service," will provide you with a list of additional actions:

A summary of information can also be found on the Today Page, such as how many employees are scheduled to work, how many shifts are confirmed, and how many staff members are currently clocked in.