TimeForge is a great tool for managers because it makes scheduling employees and tracking attendance simple.
TimeForge is also great for employees because it gives them the power to accept or reject their shifts for someone else to pick up. If an employee decides to deny their shift and give it up, manager approval will still be required before it takes effect. The employee will have to log in to their TimeForge account and follow these steps to accept or reject their shift.
Log in and visit the Today page
From the Today tab, the employee can view their upcoming shifts and schedule information.

Accept or reject the shift
The employee's upcoming work schedules are displayed in an easy to read format, and include today's scheduled shifts as well as any upcoming shifts that managers have posted. Each shift includes the start and end times, as well as the position (and section) the employee is supposed to work. Scheduled shifts appear in yellow.
The employee can click on Confirm or Give Up for any particular shift, which acts as a way to accept or reject the shift.
If the employee confirms a shift, there is typically no other action needed for that shift.
Give up the scheduled shift
On the Give Up Shift screen, review that the shift information is correct. You can also enter a brief message that will be shown to other staff members and managers before they pick up the shift or before management approves the shift.
Click the Give Up button when you are finished.

Shift swap is pending
Once you give up a shift, it will be "pending" until someone picks it up and the manager approves the swap.
You can pick it back up yourself on the Today page if needed.