TimeForge Knowledge Base

Integrate TimeForge with Aloha POS

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TimeForge can integrate and communicate with several Point of Sale systems, including Aloha by Radiant Systems.  Aloha is a great Point of Sale system, with dealers all over the world.

TimeForge integration with Aloha involves installing the TimeForge Aloha Bridge software on a computer system with access to the Aloha installation directory. Need a copy of the software? No problem. Our support team is here to help.

The software will read and write to your Aloha system as necessary, and can keep employees, positions, job codes, sales, and time punches synchronized between TimeForge and Aloha.

Additionally, you can use the TimeForge Fingerprint scanner with Aloha POS to allow biometric clock-ins and clock-outs.

Install the TimeForge Aloha Bridge software

Install the TimeForge Aloha Bridge software

Accept the EULA

Accept the terms of the End User License Agreement.

Accept the EULA

Choose a Directory to Install the Software

Choose a directory to install the TimeForge Aloha Bridge. The default is usually fine.

Choose a Directory to Install the Software

Pick a Start Menu Folder

Choose the Start Menu Folder to install the software. Click the Install button to finish the installation process.

Pick a Start Menu Folder

Create a Web Service account

In order to use the TimeForge Aloha Bridge, you will first need to configure a Web Service account. It's easy!

The Aloha Bridge will prompt you to enter your Web Service account information, confirm TimeForge account information, and configure your settings. Once you have a Web Service account, click the last link to configure your settings.

Ensure the Software is Configured Properly

Configure the TimeForge Aloha Bridge

You will be prompted for your Web Service information. Enter your information into the TimeForge Aloha Bridge, then click Save Settings.

Configure the TimeForge Aloha Bridge

Determine the Aloha POS location

The TimeForge Aloha bridge will prompt you to configure the Aloha POS location. You will need to determine where Aloha stores the daily grind files on your computer and then enter in this information into the TimeForge Aloha bridge.

Configure the Aloha POS Integration

Configure the Aloha POS Settings

When you click the link, you will be able to configure the TimeForge Aloha Bridge and enter in the Aloha POS location.  Some of the important values on this screen include:

  1. The path to the Aloha grind files, which is normally C:\Aloha or C:\AlohaQS (for quick service or QSR restaurants).
  2. Choose how many previous days TimeForge should consider for labor adjustments. This ensures that TimeForge scans old time punch / time card entries to identify manager edits to time punches.
  3. By default, TimeForge uses the time punch values from Aloha.  However, if you would like to circumvent the Aloha time punches (time cards), and would prefer to use the TimeForge Attendance system and optional biometrics, then please un-check this option.
Locate the Aloha POS Settings

Review Synchronization Settings in Aloha

Once you have properly configured the system, you should review sync settings on the TimeForge Aloha Bridge dashboard.

  1. The Last Successful Sync Date shows the last date and time that the software was able to read from your Aloha grind files.  This normally happens once per day, and should occur automatically.
  2. The Last Synchronization shows the last date and time that a synchronization was attempted.
  3. The Status shows the status of the last synchronization (it will either be SUCCESSFUL or FAILED).
  4. The Next Synchronization shows the date and time of the next scheduled synchronization.
Review Synchronization Settings in Aloha

That's it! You're all done. TimeForge will synchronize your data based on the needs of your restaurant and will keep the data in TimeForge and in Aloha POS communicating properly. You can now run the program.

All Done!
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