TimeForge integrates with a number of powerful POS systems, including ASI Restaurant Manager. Restaurant Manager, is a powerful and easy to use Point of Sale system, with dealers all over the globe.
To synchronize data between TimeForge and Restaurant Manager, you must first install and configure the TimeForge RM Bridge software on the main Restaurant Manager computer.
The integration software will automatically read and write to your Restaurant Manager POS system when required, and can enforce your TimeForge schedules - stopping employees from clocking in before they are scheduled to work.
Make Sure that the Connector and Translator are Both Running

Check the Windows task bar, which is the bar that normally runs along the bottom of the computer and contains the Start menu (on the left) and clock (on the right).
You should see icons similar to those shown above. Both of these icons should be displayed, and if they are, then TimeForge is running properly.
Turn on QuickStaffer for Schedule Enforcement

Make sure to configure QuickStaffer.
1. Run the Station Config. To do so, launch the RM Back Office, then choose "Setup Station Config.", and choose Station 1.
2. Look for the "Use QuickStaffer Schedule" option, and ensure that this is set to true.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each Station you want to use TimeForge with.
Set up Grace Periods for Early Clock In

Configure the allowable clock in grace period when enforcing the TimeForge schedule.
1. Run the Station Config. To do so, launch the RM Back Office, then choose "Setup Station Config.", and choose Station 1.
2. Locate the "Grace Period" option, and change this to allow the desired grace period (such as 5 minutes or 10 minutes).
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any other stations you would like to enforce the schedule with.
Configure Clock In Override Security Levels

Configure the Security level of the manager providing overrides for employees who are too early.
1. Run the Station Config. To do so, launch the RM Back Office, then choose "Setup Station Config.", and choose Station 1.
2. Click on "Search Settings", and look for "unsched". Find the "Unscheduled Clock in/out" setting, and change this to the security level you would like to require for someone to allow a staff member to clock in, who isn't on the schedule. For example, 8 might be a good value.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any other stations you would like to enforce the schedule with.
Create and Post a Schedule in TimeForge

Create and post a schedule in TimeForge, so that staff members are notified of upcoming shifts.
This will also allow the TimeForge-Restaurant Manager Bridge to synchronize and enforce the schedule.
Synchronize the TimeForge-Restaurant Manager Bridge

TimeForge automatically keeps data between your Restaurant Manager POS system and the live TimeForge server synchronized. This ensures that employees, positions, time cards, schedules, and sales are automatically transferred between the two systems without you needing to do anything.
During heavy activity at your restaurant or hotel, this synchronization is done automatically very often, and during slower periods of activities, it is done less often.
Staff Members Log In to Restaurant Manager

Before an employee can access the Restaurant Manager POS, they must enter their PIN, swipe a mag card (if configured), or use their fingerprint (if configured).
If they are too early, or are not on the schedule, Restaurant Manager will display the above warning.
Staff Arriving Too Early Will Need Manager Approval to Clock In

An employee who is not on the schedule will be presented with a screen for a manager override. Additionally, any staff member who shows up prior to the grace period for their shift will also be prompted for a manager override.
Enforcing the schedule will immediately reduce the amount of clock riding that staff members can do, reducing labor costs by 2% - 3% instantly!
Inadequate Security Level

If the overriding manager that is attempting to clock in the staff member doesn't have a sufficient security clearance, they will be presented with the above dialog box, and will not be able to clock the employee into Restaurant Manager.