TimeForge can integrate with several Point of Sale systems, including Restaurant Manager. Restaurant Manager by ASI, is an easy to use and powerful Point of Sale system, with dealers all over the world.
TimeForge integration with ASI Restaurant Manager involves installing the TimeForge RM Bridge software on the main RM computer system.
The software will read and write to your Restaurant Manager system as necessary, and can enforce your TimeForge schedules - preventing employees from riding the clock.
Install the TimeForge-Restaurant Manager Bridge software

Begin installing the TimeForge-Restaurant Manager Bridge software.
Accept the EULA

Accept the terms of the End User License Agreement.
Choose a Directory to Install the Software

Choose a directory to install the TimeForge-Restaurant Manager Bridge. The default is usually correct.
Pick a Start Menu Folder

Choose the Start Menu Folder to install the software.
Enter Your Web Service Username and Password

1. If you already have a TimeForge account, enter your Web Service Username and Password to connect with TimeForge.
A web service username and password is not the same as your TimeForge username (usually your email address), but is a secured username and password that allows the TimeForge-Restaurant Manager Bridge to communicate with TimeForge.
You can create a Web Service account by logging into your account, and go to the Settings for your location / store. You can then set your web service username and password.
2. If you do not yet have a TimeForge account, get started by creating a TimeForge account. We will create a Web Service Username and Password for you automatically.
Create a TimeForge Account

If you need to create a TimeForge account, please fill out all of the fields, including your company name, first and last name, email address, password, and a password recovery answer.
We will automatically create your Web Service Username and Password for you.
Configure Restaurant Manager Connection Settings

Set up the Restaurant Manager database connection settings. Most likely, the default settings will work with your RM installation.
All Done!

At this point, go ahead and run the TimeForge Bridge software.