TimeForge has the ability to integrate with a variety of Point of Sale systems, including Dinerware. Integrating these two systems will ensure that you get the most out of both Dinerware and scheduling employees.
The first step in using TimeForge with Dinerware is installing the TimeForge Dinerware Bridge software on your computer system. The software will read and write to your Dinerware system as necessary, and can enforce your TimeForge schedules, thereby preventing employees from riding the clock.
When combined with the 1-to-1 matching that the TimeForge biometric TimeClocks offer, you never have to worry about inaccurate employee attendance again!
Ensure both the Connector and Translator are running
Check the Windows task bar, which is the bar that normally runs along the bottom of the computer and contains the "Start" menu (on the left) and clock (on the right).
You should see icons similar to those shown below. For Dinerware and scheduling to work, both of these icons should be displayed. Contact us if your system isn't functioning and these icons don't appear.

While logged into TimeForge, navigate to the "Attendance Options" page under the Attendance tab

Configure the Attendance Options to prevent riding the clock
Scroll down the page to the options directly following the open and close times.
Set the grace periods for early clock in and late clock out. These settings can be any value that makes sense for your business, though many businesses choose a 5-10 minute early clock in and a 10-20 minute late clock out.
Click "Save" at the bottom of the page once you've finished making changes.

Create and Post a Schedule in TimeForge
Create and post a schedule in TimeForge so that staff members are notified of upcoming shifts. This will also allow the TimeForge Dinerware Bridge to synchronize and enforce the schedule. TimeForge will confirm when you've successfully published a schedule, like so:

Synchronize the TimeForge Dinerware
TimeForge automatically synchronizes data between your Dinerware POS system and the live TimeForge server. This ensures that employees, positions, schedules, time cards, and sales are automatically transferred between the two systems.
During heavy activity at your restaurant, this synchronization is done frequently. Alternatively, the synchronization will occur less often when your business isn't as busy.

Have your employees clock in/out normally
Before an employee can access the Dinerware POS, they must enter their PIN or swipe a mag card (if configured).

Employees too early/late will need manager approval to clock in/out
An employee who is not on the schedule will be presented with a screen for a manager override. Additionally, employees who show up too early or attempt to clock out too late will also be prompted for a manager override.
This will reduce the amount of clock riding that staff members can do, reducing labor costs by 2% - 3% instantly!