Transfer Bid Shifts allow managers to open up bid shifts to employees from other locations, as well as prevent employees from being able to bid on shifts that exceed a configurable limit of overtime. The idea is that if two stores are nearby to one another, employees should be able to pick up shifts from either location without necessarily being assigned to that location. TimeForge makes this easy.
Once Transfer Bid Shifts have been enabled, managers will notice "Transfer Bid Shift" as a shift assignment option (in addition to "Open," "AutoSchedule," "Bid," and selecting a specific employee name). Managers will also notice "Transfer Bid" as a new section in the "Pending Shift Swaps" area.
For a primer on bid shifts, see our guide: Maximize Scheduling Efficiency Using Bid Shifts.
Add transfer bid shifts to a schedule
Adding transfer bid shifts to a schedule is as easy as adding regular bid shifts! Simply select Transfer Bid as an option when adding shifts.
If you schedule Transfer Bid Shifts, make sure to let your employees know to look for the word 'Transfer' when picking up a bid shift and to note the location of the shift.
Approve or deny transfer bid shifts
From the pending Shift Swaps page
Approving or denying a transfer bid shift is just like approving or denying a regular bid shift.
To review all pending bid shifts, open the Schedules tab and select Shift Swaps.
You'll see Transfer Bid Shifts listed like normal Bid Shifts. Simply approve or deny as usual for a bid shift or shift swap.
From the Location dashboard
If you're using the Pending Shifts widget, you can view and approve pending bids, including Transfer bids, from the Location dashboard.
Clicking the View all pending shifts link will take you to the Pending Shift Swaps page (described in the previous section).
To approve and assign a shift, click the shift, select the employee you'd like to work the shift, and then hit the Assign button.
If an employee's scheduled hours changed after they bid on the shift and they'll now be running into overtime beyond the threshold limit (configured under Company Settings), you'll see a red notification when you try to approve their bid, and the shift will not be assigned to them.