TimeForge Knowledge Base

Import Sales Thresholds from a CSV

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TimeForge’s sales thresholds are a powerful tool to allow you to budget and monitor your labor costs. Using the sales thresholds, you can set up a target budget based on labor costs, labor hours, or labor shifts.

To easily import the sales threshold information, follow these steps:

Go to "Import Data".

Go to "Import Data".
  • Log in
  • Hover over "Set Up"
  • Select "Import Data"

Choose your CSV file.

Choose your CSV file.

Make sure your CSV file has the necessary information--such as the sales category, position or department, the start date and end date, the threshold, and minimums and maximums.

Note: Each threshold should be on its own line.

  1. Click "Browse" to find and select the appropriate CSV file.
  2. Click "Upload Data".

Map the fields and import the data.

Map the fields and import the data.
  1. You can choose to import a number of fields related to Sales thresholds.
  2. Check the box to ignore the first row when importing the data.
  3. Click "Import Data". TimeForge will load your data and show you any warnings or errors when it’s done.
  • Sales Type – Enter the sales category, such as Gross Sales.
  • Position Name – Enter the TimeForge Position Name. Note: You can use positions or departments, but not both.
  • Department Name – Enter the TimeForge Department Name. Note: You can use positions or departments, but not both.
  • Threshold Start Date – Enter the date the threshold begins.
  • Threshold End Date – Enter the date the threshold ends.
  • Threshold Min Value – Enter the minimum value for the threshold.
  • Threshold Max Value – Enter the maximum value for the threshold.
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