TimeForge enables you to set up multiple locations in the TimeForge system to represent the physical locations of your stores. If you run a corporation or a company with multiple businesses, with each business having multiple locations, this can quickly become complicated. Organizing the levels of hierarchy in your operation will help make things run smoothly.
For example, your company is Joe's Confections. Joe's Confections owns Joe's Bakery and Joe's Candy. There are two Joe's Candy stores. The hierarchy would be (top to bottom): Confections at the top, then Bakery and Candy Store in the middle, then Bakery, Candy store #1 and Candy store #2 at the bottom.
Go to the Company Hierarchy page under the Locations tab
From the Corporate level, open the Locations tab and select Company Hierarchy.

Add a new level
If you have not yet created a level to the Company Hierarchy, click on Add a new Level to the company Hierarchy.
Fill out the Add Hierarchy form
- Enter a name for this level. In this example, we are using the name "Eastern" to refer to a region.
- Select the manager who is responsible for this level.
- Click Save to save the level to your hierarchy.
You can add as many levels of hierarchy as apply to your business/corporation.

Assign Locations
Next, drag and drop locations from the Unassigned list into your new grouping on the left. The green (+) indicates that the location is ready to be "dropped." Release the mouse button, and your location will be added.
The location should now appear in the list and will no longer be "unassigned."
To add new hierarchy levels after the first, use the New button.

Drag and drop hierarchy levels to nest them.