TimeForge gives you the power to set up and receive email reports whenever you need them. Reports can be viewed for anything from employee schedules to net gross sales. Having the feature to send the reports is useful if you need a report regularly at the same time each week or day. Depending on how you set up the report, TimeForge can automatically send your reports to anybody, anytime, so that you never have to worry about it.
This article will teach you how to schedule email reports, as well as how to edit and remove them from your profile.
Choose the type of report
Open the Schedules tab and select Reports from the menu.

Select a report from those available
Reports will be listed in grid/card format with a title and description for each. Click a card to configure and schedule a report. For this example, we'll select "7-Day Schedule Break Down."

You can control which reports are viewable by supervisors under your location Settings.
Click 'Schedule this Report'

Set up your email report
You'll see a pop-up with a simple form:

- Choose how often you would like to receive this report, e.g. Daily.
- Select the time of day you would like to receive the report, e.g. 8:00AM.
- Pick the date range you would like the report to cover, e.g. Yesterday.
- List additional email addresses here for anyone else who should receive this report. If you want the report to go to your superiors, for example, but not to you, you can click the checkbox underneath that reads 'Do not send me this scheduled report.'
- Click Save when you are finished.
The report should now say that it has been scheduled:

Edit or delete a scheduled report
Once you've scheduled a report, you can edit or delete it by visiting your profile page.
Open the personal menu (upper right) and select My Profile

Click the 'My Scheduled Reports' tab

Click Edit or Delete for the report
You'll see a list of all your scheduled reports here. Simply click the Edit or Delete link on the row to edit or delete the scheduled report. This will not delete the report itself -- it'll simply remove it from your list of emailed reports.
Click 'Save My Settings' when done
Don't forget to save your changes! If you need to reschedule a report, you can do so anytime by repeating the instructions at the top of this article.