The TimeForge Daily Log is the perfect tool to help communicate information with employees and other managers. Viewing entries in the Daily Log is simple! Read on to learn how.
Navigate to the Daily Log
Open the Daily Log tab, then choose Daily Log from the sub-menu.
If your company has multiple locations, you'll need to have one selected (be at the Location level) to view Daily Log entries for that location.

Select a log (Manager, Staff, or Audit)
By default, the Daily Log will open up the Manager Log, which contains notes made by management, for management. To view the Staff Log (notes from management to employees) or the Audit Log (automatic notes about changes made in TimeForge), use the links in the upper right corner.
Select the day for which you would like to view log entries
The Manager and Staff Logs always show the last two weeks' worth of log entries by default, with the current date (and most recent notes) at the top of the page.
To view the logs for a different day, use the date picker at the top page (1), or use the search feature to search for logs between a range of dates (2).
Entries marked as Important will always have a colored star next to them!
View Daily Log entries
If you used the date picker, you can simply view the selected date's logs at the top, followed by the previous two weeks. You'll see all comments, as well.
If you used the search feature, you'll be shown relevant entries matching the criteria you entered. You can click on a date to be taken to that day as if you'd selected it in the date picker. This will allow you to see all comments associated with that entry, as well as additional information only visible on the main screen (e.g. Schedule, Attendance, Volume for that day, etc.).
The Audit Log is a little different from the Manager and Staff Logs because all of the entries in the Audit Log are recorded automatically by TimeForge and include important information about schedules (who created the schedule, for what positions, and when) and employee changes (new hires or transfers, for example). Since there are typically a lot more notes, there are more options for browsing them, too!
- Date picker.
- Month selector.
- Day-of-the-week selector, with the selected date highlighted.