TimeForge Knowledge Base

Add, edit, or delete locations

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TimeForge offers the ability to add, edit, or delete locations as needed. Locations are subsets of corporations; they are branches or specific destinations (such as buildings or addresses) where employees work. TimeForge accounts can have many different locations, and staff members can work at any number of them. TimeForge automatically handles collisions/conflicts between various locations so that staff members are not scheduled to work in multiple locations at once. Information for all locations can be handled by managers at the Corporate level, or for one location at a time at the Location level.

The ability to have and manage multiple locations from one account allows managers to streamline their scheduling, attendance, and sales by connecting the information for each location and allowing comparisons to be made.

From the Corporate level, open the Locations tab and select Locations.

Add, edit, or delete locations, all from one screen

From the Locations page, it's easy to add, edit, or delete locations.

  1. Click the Add Location button to add a new location to your business inside TimeForge.
  2. To edit an existing location, locate the appropriate location and click anywhere on the card (if using grid view) or otherwise on the Edit link (if using tabular/list view).
  3. To delete a location, locate the appropriate location and click the red X or Delete link.

What information can be established for each location?

After either adding a new location or editing an existing location (see previous step), you will be presented with many options for location information, including:

General information

At the top of the page, you can enter general location information. Names and addresses are required for each location. Phone and fax numbers and descriptive tags may be added, as well, to help keep your locations organized.

Open and close times

In the following section, you can set up the location's open and close times for each day. Staff will be unable to be scheduled during closed hours.

Configuration / Settings

TimeForge offers many, many customizable options for each location. In this section, you can change the default settings to make TimeForge work the way your business does.


Near the bottom of the page, you can select which reports you'd like your supervisors to have access to.

If you make any changes to the settings on this page, don't forget to click the Save button to save your changes! You will then be returned to the Locations page with a notification confirming that your location has been saved/updated.

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