You can reset your password anytime from your Profile page in TimeForge. This guide will show you how.
If you can't log in, you'll need to contact your manager unless you have a secret question and answer set up. If you have a secret question and answer, you can use TimeForge's built-in password reset utility.
Navigate to your personal profile
While logged in, click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen, then select My Profile.
Enter your new password twice
In the text fields that appear, enter and confirm your new password.
Secure passwords are at least 6 characters long and contain both letters and numbers.
If you change your mind, you can click the "Do not change my password" link just above the text fields.
Click the save button to save your new password
The system will inform you if your settings are saved successfully.
Want to make sure you're never locked out due to a lost or forgotten password? Set up your secret question and answer from your profile page, too.