TimeForge Security Templates allow you to choose which Supervisors and Managers have access to view and change specific settings and data in TimeForge. Templates may be applied to individuals or entire Positions in TimeForge. This article will show you how to create and configure Security Templates.
Because Security Templates offer so much power and flexibility in customizing TimeForge to work just the way you want it to, there are many options to consider. Please feel free to contact our Support team at any time if you'd like a walkthrough or demo of these options.
Navigate to the "Security" page under Set Up

Click the +Add Security Template button
On this page, you will find all of your Security Templates, if any. To create a new one, click +Add Security Template.
Give the template a name and choose whether it should apply to managers or supervisors

- Provide a name for the Security Template.
- Click on this drop-down menu to select whether the Security Template should apply to Managers or Supervisors. Some options can only be applied to Managers, not Supervisors. These are:
- Locations
- Departments
- Leave Types
- Payment Options
- Corporation Hierarchy
- Company Settings
- Security Templates
- Positions
- Own Employee Account
- Unassigned Locations
- Add/Edit Work Periods
- Sales Categories
- Sales Options
- Dashboard
- Edit Attendance
- Attendance Reports (unless selected from box at bottom)
- TimeClock Mode
Set up your security template
These are the options that correspond with each item in the Description column. You can choose to have each item either be Add/Edit, where the user will actually be able to alter the information, View, where users can only see that information, and No Access, where users won't be able to access the information at all.
"My Settings" to "Employees"

- My Settings - allows users to change or view their own personal settings, including usernames, passwords and alerts, in TimeForge.
- Locations - allows users to change or view information related to multiple Locations within TimeForge. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can add additional locations. Supervisors and Managers with access to View or Add/Edit can see information regarding any location in the corporation.
- Departments - allows users to change or view the Departments page in TimeForge. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can add and edit department information. Managers and Supervisors with access to View or Add/Edit can see department information on the Departments page. Managers and Supervisors with access only to View departments will be unable to edit department information.
- Leave Types - allows users to change or view information related to Leave Types (e.g. sick or vacation time) in TimeForge. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can add and edit Leave Types. Managers and Supervisors with access to View or Add/Edit Leave Types can see information regarding existing Leave Types.
- Payment Options - allows users to change or view the Payment Options page. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can change payment methods and the company's TimeForge plan details. Managers and Supervisors with access to View or Add/Edit Payment Options can see information regarding payment to and the cost of TimeForge on the Payment Options page. Users with access only to View Payment Options cannot see options to “Cancel TimeForge” accounts, “Change Payment Methods”, select email addresses that TimeForge will automatically “Send payment emails” to, or “View Previous Invoices”.***
- Corporation Hierarchy - allows users to change or view the corporate structure of the company in TimeForge, including the regional or district groupings of locations. The Corporation Hierarchy also restricts access of Managers to only locations that they are assigned to. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can see, create and organize groupings of locations into the Corporation Heirarchy. Managers and Supervisors with access to View the Company Hierarchy can see the existing Corporation Hierarchy, but cannot see options to add “New” groupings, or “Edit”/“Delete” existing groupings.
- Company Settings - allows users to change or view settings for all locations in the corporation within TimeForge. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can see and alter Company Settings. Managers and Supervisors with access to View Company Settings can see the company's settings, but cannot see the option to “Save” changes.
- Security Templates - allows users to change or view Security Templates within TimeForge. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can add or alter Security Templates. Managers and Supervisors with access to View or Add/Edit Security Templates can view existing Security Templates.
- Positions - allows users to change or view Positions within TimeForge. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can add or alter Positions. Managers and Supervisors with access to View or Add/Edit Positions can view existing Positions.
- Employees - allows users to change or view Employees and employee information in TimeForge. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, add new employees, and edit existing employee information. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can see employee information, but cannot see the option to “Save” changes or new Employees.
***Payment details, such as credit card numbers, are not displayed in full in TimeForge to any user.
"Employee Type" to "Approve Own Availability"

- Employee Type - allows users to view or edit a staff member's Employee Type. Staff members can be set as Employees, Supervisors, or Managers in TimeForge.
- Employees From Other Departments - allows users to view employee information, including attendance, for employees in Departments the user is not assigned to. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view employee information for employees in other Departments.
- Employee's Pay Rate - allows users to change or view employee Pay Rates. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can change and view employee Pay Rates. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view employee Pay Rates, but cannot “Save” changes.
- Own Employee Account - allows users to view and edit their own account information, including assigned Positions, Departments, and Locations. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view and edit their own account information. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view their own account information, but cannot “Save” changes.
- Unassigned Locations - allows users to view and edit Locations that the user is not assigned to. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view and edit Unassigned Locations. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view Unassigned Locations, but cannot “Save” changes.
- Own Attendance - allows users to view and edit their own attendance. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view and edit their own attendance records. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view their own attendance records, but cannot “Save” changes.
- Switch User - allows users to switch into another user's account. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can Switch User and access other users' accounts.
- Applicants - allows users to view or edit Applicant information, including employment applications and hiring information. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, edit, and add hiring information. Managers and Supervisors with access to View Applicants can view hiring information, but cannot “Save” changes.
- Job Postings - allows users to view or edit Job Postings in TimeForge.
- Availability - allows users to view or edit employee Availability. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, add, and edit Availability. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view Availability, but cannot “Save” changes or new Availability.
- Own Availability - allows users to view or edit their own availability. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, add, and edit their Own Availability. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view their Own Availability, but cannot “Save” changes.
- Approve Availability - allows users to approve availability requests from other staff members.
- Approve Own Availability - allows users to approve their own availability requests.
"Age Rules" to "Messages"

- Age Rules - allows users to view or edit Age Rules, including the number of hours and particular times that minor employees may work. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, add, and edit Age Rules. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view Age Rules, but cannot "Save" changes.
- Breaks - allows users to view or edit the Breaks page, including adding Break Rules. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, create, and change Break Rules. Managers and Supervisors with access to "View" Breaks can see existing Break Rules, but cannot “Save” changes.
- Human Resources - allows users to change or view the available Human Resource types, including employee certifications and onboarding documents. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, upload, and edit Human Resource types. Managers and Supervisors with access to View Human Resources can view existing Human Resource types, but cannot “Save” changes.
- My Schedule - allows users to view or edit their own Schedules. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view and edit their own Schedules. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view their own Schedules, but cannot make changes.
- Schedule - allows users to view or edit employees' schedules. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, add, and edit employee schedules. Managers and Supervisors with access to View schedules can view employee schedules.
- Shift Confirmations - allows users to view or edit Shift Confirmations, including shifts that employees have confirmed or have not confirmed. Managers and Supervisors with access to "View" can view Shift Confirmations.
- Shift Swaps - allows users to view or edit Shift Swaps, including shifts that employees have given up and picked up. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, add, and edit Shift Swaps. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view Shift Swaps.
- Templates - allows users to view or edit Schedule Templates. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can create, edit, and use schedule Templates. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view schedule Templates.
- Work Periods - allows users to view or edit Work Periods, including defining day shifts or night shifts. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, add, and edit Work Periods. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view defined Work Periods.
- ShiftBuilder Rules - allows users to view or edit ShiftBuilder Rules, which ensure that ShiftBuilder creates shifts that are the appropriate duration. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, add, and edit ShiftBuilder Rules. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view defined ShiftBuilder Rules.
- Messages - allows users to view or send Messages in TimeForge. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can send and receive Messages. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can receive Messages.
"Events" to "Dashboard"

- Events - allows users to view or edit Events in TimeForge.
- Schedule Reports - allows users to view and run Schedule Reports. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can run and view Schedule Reports.
- Sales Categories - allows users to view, edit, or add Sales Categories, such as "Net Sales" or "Total Sales". Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, create, and edit Sales Categories. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view existing Sales Categories.
- Manager Projections - allows users to view or edit Manager Projections for Sales Categories. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, add, and edit Manager Projections. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view Manager Projections.
- Actual Figures - allows users to view or edit Actual Figures for Sales Categories. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can view, add, and edit Actual Figures. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view Actual Figures.
- System Forecasts - allows users to view System Forecasts for Sales Categories. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view Sales Forecasts.
- Analytics - allows users to view the various Analytics TimeForge provides regarding Sales Categories. Managers and Supervisors with access to View can view the Analytics page in TimeForge.
- Sales Options - allows users to view and alter Sales Options, including settings for sales and labor comparison. Managers and Supervisors with Add/Edit access can adjust Sales Options. Managers and Supervisors with access to Add/Edit or View can view existing Sales Options.
- Sales Reports - allows users to view the Sales Reports page, which includes reports that compare sales and labor. Managers and Supervisors with access to View Sales Reports can access the Sales Reports page.
- Dashboard - allows users to view the Dashboard page in the Sales tab. The Dashboard details a variety of information related to actual, projected, and forecasted sales. Managers and Supervisors with access to View the Dashboard can view the data on the Dashboard page.
"Time Card" to "Important Notes"

- Time Card - allows users to view their own Time Card. Managers and Supervisors with access to View their own Time Cards can view attendance information on the Time Card page.
- Clocked-In Employees - allows users to view and update the Clocked-in Employees page, which displays all employees who are currently clocked in. Managers and Supervisors with access to Add/Edit can view clocked-in employees and clock employees out from the "Clocked-In Employees" page (provided that employees clocked in with the TimeForge.com website and not with integrated hardware). Managers and Supervisors with access to View the "Clocked-In Employees" page can view employees who are currently clocked in.
- Edit Attendance - allows users to view and make changes on the Edit Attendance page, including adjustments made to punches and breaks. Managers and Supervisors with access to Add/Edit can view and edit attendance entries. Managers and Supervisors with access to View the "Edit Attendance" page can to view attendance entries.
- Override TimeForge Attendance Calculations - allows users to view and edit the time duration of attendance entries, without editing the clock in and out times for punches. Managers and Supervisors with access to Add/Edit TimeForge Attendance Calculations can view and adjust punch durations without adjusting clock in and out times. Managers and Supervisors with access to View overridden TimeForge attendance calculation can view adjustments to punch duration.
- Approve Export Payroll - allows users to access the Approve/Export Payroll page, which includes the option to apply PTO and export to a select payroll provider. Managers and Supervisors with access to Add/Edit this page can edit, approve, and export payroll. Managers and Supervisors with access to View this page can view payroll information.
- Attendance Options - allows users to view and edit the “Attendance Options" page. Managers and Supervisors with access to Add/Edit this page can view and change settings in "Attendance Options". Managers and Supervisors with access to View this page can view existing "Attendance Options", but cannot “Save” changes.
- Attendance Reports - allows users to run and view Attendance Reports, including employee time sheets and payroll reports. Managers and Supervisors with access to View Attendance Reports may run and view reports.
- TimeClock Mode - allows users to access TimeClock Mode, which allows a computer to operate solely as a time clock. Managers and Supervisors with access to View TimeClock Mode can enable and disable TimeClock Mode.
- Roll Back - allows users to roll back pay periods for adjustments. This setting only controls roll backs -- actual approval of pay periods is controlled by the Approve Export Payroll setting (#5 above).
- Daily Log Categories - allows users to view and edit Daily Log Categories, which may used to filter notations in the Daily log. Managers and Supervisors with access to Add/Edit Daily Log Categories can view, create, and edit Daily Log Categories. Managers and Supervisors with access to View Daily Log Categories can view existing Daily Log Categories, but cannot “Save” new Daily Log Categories..
- Daily Log Notes - allows user to view and edit the Daily Log, which may be used to record important events and notes about the day. Managers and Supervisors with access to Add/Edit Daily Log Notes can view and add notations to the Daily Log. Managers and Supervisors with access to View Daily Log Notes can view notations made to the Daily Log, but cannot add new notations.
- Important Notes - allows users to view Important Notes from the Daily Log. Important Notes are marked with a star on the Daily Log. Managers and Supervisors with access to View Important Notes will be able to view Important Notes when in the Daily Log.
"Import Employees" to "Labor Target"

- Import Employees - allows managers or supervisors to import employees from third party applications or simple CSV files.
- StoreWalk - allows managers and supervisors to utilize TimeForge StoreWalk.
- Check List - allows managers or supervisors to access to the Daily Log Checklist.
- Custom Field - allows managers or supervisors to create Custom Fields for use in TimeForge.
- Activity - sets whether managers or supervisors can create or edit HR Activities.
- Activity Template - sets whether managers or supervisors can create or edit HR Activity templates.
Set up your Allowed Reports List
After selecting your settings for the security template, it's time to select the reports you would like users to have access to. This list includes all Schedule, Attendance, and Sales reports available in TimeForge. Selecting reports from the left column adds them to the Allowed Reports List in the right column.
To add reports to the list:
- Hover over the name of the report you wish add to the list
- Click the green plus sign icon
The report will be moved into the right side box, and the users with the security template will have access.

Save your changes
Don't forget to click Save at the bottom of the screen once you're finished!

Your new security template will now appear in your list, and you'll be able to apply it to users. One quick way to do this is from the Security Templates page, by clicking the button Apply to Users. This method is useful if you want to add the template to multiple users at once. If you only want to add a template to a single user, you can apply it directly through their profile as well.